3, 3, 7, 7 = 24?

Can YOU solve this fiendishly difficult math problem? 95% of MIT students CANNOT and only 10% of Stanford students CAN! Here it is: Can you make the number 24 from using 3, 3, 7, 7? And here are the rules: you have to use ALL the numbers but once only.

salt shaker

No point rubbing salt into the wound!

How many English idioms do you know that include “salt”? Salt plays a significant role in many areas of our lives: we need it to survive; we use it to preserve foods; we add it to food to bring out the taste.

Pitman shorthand Halliday

Get ahead with Pitman shorthand

Pitman shorthand is a system of shorthand for the English language developed by Englishman Sir Isaac Pitman (1813–1897), who first presented it in 1837. Like most systems of shorthand, it is a phonetic system; the symbols do not represent letters, but rather sounds, and words are, for the most part, written as they are spoken.


Exercise those brain cells a little with a game of Scrabble

National Scrabble Day is observed annually on April 13th. Originally named Lexiko and then Criss-Cross Words, Alfred Mosher Butts eventually settled on the name Scrabble. The amateur artist and unemployed architect developed the word game in the midst of the depression.


World’s oldest university

Can you guess what the oldest existing, and continually operating university in the world is and in which country it is located?



Who wouldn’t want one of these with a glass of Sangria after a busy day! What does empanada mean though?