soft-boiled egg

The 9-minute egg

You are a cook in a remote area with no clocks or other way of keeping time other than a four minute hourglass and a seven minute hourglass. You do have a stove however with water in a pot already boiling.



Do you know the meaning of contumely, one of the few words in the English language that looks like an adverb but is in fact a noun?


5 ways to improve your English

English is the most popular second language around the globe, with fluent English speakers in almost every country. It is the language of commerce, business, and education in numerous places, therefore many people want to improve their conversational English. Here at AGF Tutoring we suggest five simple ways to do so.


Language of the future

A big question when thinking about learning a new language is which language is worth learning. The question here is forward-looking because a language’s importance is not static but changes over time. Demographic and economic factors are the main drivers of a language’s popularity.


Homeschooling – or home education – is an alternative form of education, which offers many benefits to the students and their development. It was the education of choice for royal and affluent families from the antiquity up to early days of the modern era and is nowadays regaining its popularity.

globe flags

7 reasons to study abroad

Many students ponder on whether to study abroad or not. Studying abroad for a bachelor, a master, or even a student exchange program offers many advantages to the students that cannot be obtained through other means.

LSAT digital

LSAT goes digital – finally

The laggard LSAT followed by going digital and from now the examination will only be available online – a long overdue step in the right direction – the GMAT and GRE have been computerised for about 2 decades.