At AGF Tutoring, we prefer the Edexcel Pearson A-level specification that provides:
- a broad AS course which provides a structured foundation of political knowledge on which to develop skills for citizenship and further study,
- an emphasis on contemporary politics and current areas of constitutional concern, putting the UK in the context of the EU and the wider world,
- the opportunity to specialise in different areas at A2 giving students the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of aspects of the subject at a higher level,
- the opportunity to engage in contemporary political debates,
- assessment designed to support student progression from AS to A2.
The AS course provides an introduction to the subject through an examination of UK political procedures and institutions such as democracy and political participation, party policies and ideas and key institutions. The A2 course allows more specialization requiring more skills analysis and evaluation and offers a choice of challenging but comparable topics: UK and EU Political Issues; Political Ideologies; US Politics and Global Politics. In Units 3 and 4, students may opt for a variety of combinations (for example, Unit 3, Topic A and Unit 4, Topic A) or two different topics (for example, Unit 3 Topic B, Unit 4 Topic D).
A full copy of the Edexcel A-level in Government and Politics can be found here.
At AGF Tutoring we have highly qualified tutors who have sat the A-level as well as gone to study government and politics at university, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. If you are interested in taking the A-level in Government and Politics or require some supplementary tutorial then please do not hesitate to register and book an introductory session.