Job posting

Thank you for your interest in AGF Recruiting. Please fill in the below details in order to assist us in sourcing the most appropriate candidates for your firm’s needs.

Job details
Company Name *
Position Title *
Contract Type *
Description * Please, describe your company and the role being displayed (500 words max)
Job Location *
Job Start *
Length of Contract Leave blank if N/A

Compensation Leave blank if N/A


Skills *  
Required skills not listed above? Enter them below (separated by comma):
Prior Experience *
Education *
Degrees Considered *
Languages *


Application Deadline *
Application Process *



The following options will allow AGF Careers to screen out and select the appropriate candidates for your needs. These are not shown to prospective applicants.

Do you only recruit from specific universities?
Yes No

Are there any other screening considerations that we should take into account?