5 ways to improve your English


English is the most popular second language around the globe, with fluent English speakers in almost every country. It is the language of commerce, business, and education in numerous places, therefore many people want to improve their conversational English. Here at AGF Tutoring we suggest five simple ways to do so.

  • 1. Movies

    watching movie with popcorn

    Watch movies and TV shows from English speaking countries with the aid of English subtitles. This will help you with your writing, reading, and listening skills while you will also learn new words and have a better understanding of the culture of the country where the production is from. It is important to watch it with English subtitles so you can see the correct spelling of the word while you are listening to its native pronunciation. Additionally, you can write down any words you don’t know and find their meaning after the movie.

  • 2. Books

    reading a book

    Reading books in English will dramatically improve your reading comprehension, and vocabulary skills. You can start from easier books, and advance to more complex and academic ones. Reading books will not only improve your English, but also your knowledge of the subject you are reading.

  • 3. Music

    listening to music

    Listen to songs in English. This is easy to do since many English songs are global hits. You can create a playlist or listen to a radio station that only plays songs in English. The constant exposure to lyrics in English will improve your English and familiarize you with the language.

  • 4. Notebook

    taking notes

    Keep a notebook in English. This will help your writing and comprehension skills. Your writing will improve substantially by trying to properly write your thoughts in English, while your comprehension will improve from the constant exposure of your brain to thoughts in English.

  • 5. People


    Talk to people in English and preferably to native speakers. This will dramatically improve your everyday conversational language, as well as your listening comprehension. By talking to native speakers you will be exposed to proper English, and by striking long conversations with them you will force yourself to think and express yourself in English.

You can combine the things mentioned above by visiting, working, or studying in an English speaking country. Our consultants at AGF Tutoring can help you plan a trip to one of these countries in order to study the language or study at a school there. In addition, we have some very qualified tutors that can help you improve your English without undertaking a costly trip.

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