
Homeschooling – or home education – is an alternative form of education, which offers many benefits to the students and their development. It was the education of choice for royal and affluent families from the antiquity up to early days of the modern era and is nowadays regaining its popularity. Home education is not only the fastest-growing form of education in the United States with about 2.3 million homeschooled students in 2016, but it is also growing around the world in many other countries like Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Japan, Kenya, Russia, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

There are many reasons why a parent and the child decide to homeschool. First, they can customize the learning curriculum of the child while at the same time the child can accomplish more academically than in a traditional school. Second, home is a safe and controlled environment for the development of youth. There is no physical or verbal violence that is often faced in regular schools. There is no access to drugs, alcohol, and unhealthy sexuality sometimes found in institutional schools. At the same time, the parents and teachers can impart a particular set of values, beliefs, and worldview to children contrary to institutional schools where the educators and the school decide these views. Finally, with homeschooling, students have access to pedagogical approaches other than those in typical institutional schools, allowing them to develop other skills with the extra time on their hands. With home schooling students can develop their skills in sports, attend church groups, or other organizations.

Because the number of home-educated students is limited, the research base on homeschooled adults is also limited but it is growing. Home-educated adults tend to participate in community service, vote and attend public meetings, as well as get into and graduate from a college more frequently than the general population. In addition, while an average student costs $11,732 per year of taxpayers’ money plus capital expenditures, homeschooled students cost nothing to the taxpayers. They cost only what their family decides to spend out of their budget. Homeschooled children usually score 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students on standardized achievement tests. Regardless of income, religion, and race, homeschooled students score above average on achievement tests. Finally, colleges actively recruit homeschooled students.

At AGF Tutoring we can provide you the tools and personnel to customize your curriculum and education according to your needs and exceed every expectation. Our expert counselors and tutors, in accordance with the parents and children, design a curriculum and a teaching method that enhances the learning process. We have two distinct programs, one that caters to the general student population and another specifically designed for student athletes. However, because we believe in personalized education, each and every student receives a unique education according to their needs.

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