Is a Bachelor’s degree still worth it?

university degree

Hell yeah. And here are some great reasons why a college education will make you healthier, wealthier and wiser.

  1. Live longer. Statistics show that 25-year olds who have a Bachelor’s degree live on average 9 years longer that those who graduated from high school.
  2. Avoid becoming a nicotine junkie. You are more likely to become a smoker if you have not gone on to college or university. 9.1% of college graduates are smokers versus 41.4% of GED graduates.
    no smoking
  3. Keep yourself slimmer and fitter. You are 14-18% less likely to be obese without a university degree.
  4. Get and stay married. 69% of college graduates are still in their first marriage versus 46% of high school graduates.
    married couple
  5. Be and remain more employable. The unemployment rate of Bachelor’s degree holders hovers around 3% in comparison with 6% for high school graduates.
    business deal
  6. Get to be smarter. One the most obvious reasons that you should go to college is to acquire knowledge and skills sets that you would not be able to otherwise.
    Albert Einstein
  7. Expect job satisfaction. If you have educated yourself at a university then it is more likely that you will be able to find a job that has a lot of overlap with what you want to do. Imagine the drudgery of doing a job that you never wanted to do.
    happy employee
  8. Earn a higher average salary. College graduates can expect to an average of nearly twice their high school graduate counterparts: US$ 68,000 vs US $35,000.
  9. Stay ahead of the curve. All the most exciting and fastest-growing industries require a post-secondary education. Think STEM workers, healthcare professionals. Such industries are growing at approximately 20% CARG.
    rocket scientists
  10. Invest in yourself. Do yourself a big favor and realize the exceptional rate of investment (ROI). Here are the numbers, which clearly show that a college or university is a great investment in yourself and for yourself.

    According to the respectable Hamilton Project:
    “Despite widespread claims that a college degree is no longer worth the rising price of tuition, a bachelor’s degree still has about the same return on investment today as it did in the 80s. College still pays for itself, and then some; it will earn you, on average, a 16 percent return, which is a higher rate of return than on investments in the stock market (6.8 percent), corporate bonds (2.9 percent), gold (2.3 percent), long-term government bonds (2.2 percent), or housing (0.4 percent).”
    return on investment to a bachelor's degree

So there you have it: a university education is a no brainer, a win-win situation. Don’t delay your preparation for the most suitable degree at one of the world’s leading universities with the highly-qualified and experienced tutors and education consultants at AGF Tutoring.

by Alastair Fisher

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