Language of the future


A big question when thinking about learning a new language is which language is worth learning. The question here is forward-looking because a language’s importance is not static but changes over time. Demographic and economic factors are the main drivers of a language’s popularity. For many people Mandarin is considered the language of the future. However, there are more languages worth a consideration. Below we have listed the six languages that we believe will have the most impact in the future.

  • 6. Hindi

    Taj Mahal India
    India is the second most populated country in the world and it is expected to become the most populous country in the world by 2024. Hindi is the fourth most spoken native language. In addition, India’s economy is growing making Hindi an increasingly important language.

  • 5. Spanish

    Spain flamenco
    Spanish is the language of Spain and of almost every country in Latin America, with the notable exception of Brazil. It is the third most spoken language today and very useful for anyone interested in traveling or working in Latin America.

  • 4. Arabic

    white mosque, Abu Dhabi
    It is the main language of the Middle East and Northern Africa. Being the language of an increasingly important region with a growing population makes Arabic a very useful language. However, Arabic has different dialects in every country, and sometimes people from different countries have difficulty understanding one another.

  • 3. Mandarin

    Mandarin has the most native speakers today. One in ten people today speak Mandarin as their first language. In addition, China’s economy has grown to become the second biggest economy in terms of GDP and it is expected to take the first spot by 2030. However, there are two factors that for now thwart Mandarin’s influence. First, the Chinese population will peak and decline in the near future. And second, English remains the first choice for a second language worldwide and especially in South-East Asia where proximity with China should have increased the demand for Mandarin. These two patterns can be reversed, but for now Mandarin claims the third spot on our list.

  • 2. French

    Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
    For centuries French was the language of commerce, diplomacy, and culture. It was the language of the educated and the rich. With the decline of France and the rise of Great Britain and the United States later English became the world’s dominant language. So how can the language of an aging country in Europe that is spoken in some more aging countries in Europe become so important? The answer lies in Africa. The sub-Saharan population is expected to boom. In 2050 Africa’s population will double, and by 2100 its population will be three to six times its current population. This demographic change will be so monumental that one in two births in 2050 will be from Africa. Most of the countries affected by this demographic boom have French as their official language and have many native French speakers. It is possible that French will be the most spoken language by 2050. The only constraint is that many of these countries are very diverse and not everyone speaks French, so these estimates may be a little exaggerated, but it is undeniable that French will become increasingly important.

  • 1. English

    Piccadilly, UK
    The world’s lingua franca with speakers in every country, English is the most important language today. It is the language of commerce, finance, science, and tourism. It is the language of the richest country in the world and with the strongest military. It is also the first language of economic and geopolitical powerhouses such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It is the most preferred second language, and it will also benefit from Africa’s population boom. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country has English as its official language. English is the official language in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that are expected to grow. For now, English remains the most influential language.

In this rapidly changing world it is more important than ever to speak more than one language. There is a growing number of people who are fluent in three or more languages. This list is a good guide into the near future, but can change after a while. It is very important to be updated with the changes in the world and learn a language that will be useful in the future. If you want to learn more you can contact one of AGF Tutoring’s experienced language consultants and book a one-on-one session in order to learn more about your preferred language.

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