What are going to be the hottest careers in the next decade?

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In one sentence: anything that cannot be done by a machine or computer and anything that can be done by a machine or computer. Apologies for the sphinx-like response to the title question but the answer is that: you either manipulate or get manipulated. Numerous jobs that we never really think about as being threatened will be replaced by machines in the not-so-distant future. And we are not talking about some of the more mundane jobs such as cleaners or fruit pickers; we are talking about dentists, doctors, lawyers and accountants. There are lots of machine learning and clever algorithmic programming that will certainly replace much of the more rudimentary work that the abovementioned professionals charge lots of money for. Medical diagnostics will be done by reliable machines; routine dental check-ups will be carried out by smart robots; basic accounting and legal work will be undertaken by efficient programs.

There is no doubt that we are entering that Huxleyian world that he so eloquently described in his canonical work. So what should one contemplate studying or preparing for given the fact that we are being smothered by this ever-stifling machine driven model in an increasingly populated world? Now, that is a good question. Well something that cannot be done by a robot is creativity.

Creative, supervisory, and some special skills jobs are going to be in demand. The new technologies are disrupting the economy at an unprecedented pace with companies and skills becoming relevant just to be replaced by new ones in very short period of time. For example, Kodak was a colossal corporation with close to 200,000 employees in 1998, only to disappear a few years later. According to the world economic forum the following fields are going to be in high demand by 2020:

  • Data analytics
  • Computer and mathematical jobs
  • Architecture and engineering
  • Sales and marketing
  • Industry transformation
  • Product designers
  • Human resources
  • Regulatory experts

However, there is still going to be high demand for some more traditional highly-skilled workers. Finance, Healthcare, and Education are going to remain relevant. The financial sector is in constant high demand. Even though automation in accounting, bookkeeping, and tax preparation will change the industry, skilled people will still be required. In addition, because we are going through the greatest population boom in history and an increase in life expectancy, a highly skilled health care personnel will be needed despite the technological advancements. Additionally, the expanding population will need educators.

Workers and specifically skilled workers in agribusiness will be required as well. Technology will be involved in producing food, as land continues to be constructed by office buildings and apartments, and more people need food. New methods of producing food resources will be in demand with a highly skilled workforce to accommodate them.

A field that is always changing but constantly relies on human capital is the art sector. From movies to literature, and from painting to music, new technologies constantly change the field but instead of replacing people, they enhance them with new tools and new methods of expressing oneself. At least for the immediate future, there will be no shortage of opportunities in the arts due to technology. However, it is important to note that a career in art offers little job security due to the subjectivity of the profession.

With the constantly changing job market we would suggest not to gravitate to the jobs-in-demand but to put yourself in a position of demand. You should cater to your interests and create a specialized and unique skillset. At AGF Tutoring we have consultants in a multitude of industries that can offer insights into their respective field and prepare you for a career in your preferred sector.

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